Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Drug abuse talks should be eye-opening

Southeastern Kentucky has been noted for its growing drug abuse problem. But how big of a problem is it when you get down to the facts? Dr. Erich Goode, sociology professor emeritus at Stony Brook University, will be at Union to address this question.

Goode will lecture about his experiences researching drug use and what it looked like more than 40 years ago. He will be on Union’s campus Tuesday, March 27 at 7 p.m. in Student Conference Center Rooms A, B and C of the Patridge Campus Center. The title of his lecture is “A Personal Journey: Forty Years of Studying Drug Use.”

Goode said that his lecture will open the eyes of some people, because the impressions they may have on drug use in Kentucky aren’t always aligned with the systematic data on this problem.

“Drug use is a major aspect of our society; it has both causes and important consequences, and members of the society should be aware of them, and the images that are projected in the press, and what the public understands at the grass-roots level, aren’t necessarily the way they are factually,” Goode said.

Citing Goode’s extensive research, Dr. Linda Silber, Union sociology professor, arranged this lecture. Silber said Goode has studied issues related to drug use for more than 40 years. Silber added that she selected Goode to speak not only because he is well versed in the issue and a personal friend of hers; he has also collaborated with her on a textbook focused on substance abuse. The title is “Drugs in American Society,” published in 2011.

Silber said that everyone is invited to attend, because this issue pertains to all ages and demographics—not just college students.

“The talk is pitched at a general audience and should be interesting to the college community as well as the greater community as a whole,” Silber said.

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